lyle amaro
Your social skills resemble arson
You seem ok with this, So deleterious
Remorse for you is not an option

BIOGRAPHY Lyle wasn’t born a beggar. Beggars weren’t allowed to eat dinner that was swindled for less than its price, almost free, at the table. People felt bad and had a heart for a family of five trying to make ends meet on a measly salary. When he was old enough to witness it, the eye of his mother's interests, all fanned down the line of taking shortcuts. It was survival based of course, but she had a hard on for the challenge, the chase of the dollar. Getting it any means necessary even at the cost of three kids' childhood. His father had been a hanger-on, cruise control being his default while his head was in plumes of reefer smoke. He had his own issues that never bode well in a sham of a marriage from the start.

Being the center child brought on more than his share of heartache and at the hands of the people who were supposed to have his and his sisters' best interest at heart. He thought deep down they might believe so, yet the actions said so much else. Jeopardizing their safety in some instances when purposely made to go knocking on a random person's home to sell a story learned about the troubles arising and gaining sympathy from the kids' coached story. There were a lot of coached stories fed and not enough to be told they were loved. Lyle never felt warmth and wholeness in the homes they occupied, including the shelter at one point.

When they were barely keeping up with a steady place to live, it was next sticking in and out of motels, as they moved around Reno and outside of it. The lifestyle was never conducive to setting roots and having a stable life but they all were the caboose on the train going nowhere. When his mother did a couple of months in jail here and there for fraudulent behavior, Senor Amaro tried to pick up the slack. Just as he found coldness and a berating energy from her absence, the depths of the chill was almost unmatched for the all lax father. Lyle learned quickly that he had to be guarded by the lack of buffer and the hammer of his mother's words.

This went on for years, up until a little after his twelve birthday. Wellness check in came in the form and savior of Alba, who happened to be in town for a surprise visit. Her keen observations and all out threats of being the one to seeing the demise of her own daughter, was the floodlight turned down a dreary hall. Rather than be taken by the hands of a state, ultimatums were thrown across the table and in the face of parents that treated their children as meal tickets and pawns to be pushed across a board.

Alba the saint in Lyle's eyes was going to change the course of it all and it showed the day they hopped on a Greyhound with his sisters in tow, ready for what the city of New York brought. His memory of it brought a better inclination for what was to come and what was to come hadn’t prepared him enough when the issues birthed through his adult days. He became a decent person, so he believed only unconsciously trained to weave conflate stories of his childhood to those who asked. He captured the hearts of friends this way, lovers this way, and the big employers this way.

All would not go his way once white lies and tall tales caught up to him in the midst of trying to swindle out of poor judgement calls and the like. The only person who seemed to call him out on this was his oldest sister and Alba, who did not understand this penchant for weaving untruths as a statement of reality. Lyle's reality took a few turns during his adulthood in the form of fighting for his livelihood at the job he lived for, and ultimately stepping away from it before he too would incriminate himself like the ones above him holding the golden carrot out.

A sudden departure from New York came at the cost of his eldest sister's health as what was supposed to be by faith a big fight, turning out to be a prepared journey to death. Boston was formed in his eyes, under the guise of becoming a supportive member of a team that consisted of himself, close friends of his sister's and the children who would be left without a mother when the time came. In the middle of a rollercoaster, he bonded with a woman, latching on and married, not knowing their union would stand the test of time and during the proceeding of his sister's losing fight.

When she passed away, it brought on a steady wave of incoming changes. Lyle couldn’t realize not being the saint to his sister's kids as when Alba stepped in. His sister did what had been best served prior to her passing in terms of legalities, especially with their fathers were unreliable to undertake two teenagers and a child into their care. He stepped up while grief was going to hit them all like loads of bricks. This new responsibility, new life, would test not only himself as a man but as a husband who did not foresee it happening, even for the wife that had little say in the matter. But she stood by as a partial surrogate mother.

This went on for years, trying his best to guide his nephews and niece and with some fail here and there until one by one they exited the house in pursuit of the bigger world. The one that his own mother caused him to be jaded by even to this day. The emptiness felt with their leaving, was also mixed with the growing issues of neglect in a marriage he thought was at its best during high stakes, yet it caused both parties to look for needs outside of their union before actually throwing in the towel. Resentment befell upon him and let down was geared towards his spouse. Declining his advances to work it out, divorce was the next death he wasn’t ready for.

Lyle has since tried to maintain civility and saw himself backsliding into territory paved in amounting debt through gambling, seeking to enhance the lives of others than his own, and doubling down on the misdeeds that a liar's tongue created just to soothe his on personal troubles. In his forty-something years, old ways are hard to shake but easier to reinforce.

⤑ FULL NAME Lyle Michael Amaro ⤑ COMICVERSE Mephisto ⤑ AGE & DOB 43 & April 20, 1976 ⤑ HOMETOWN Reno, NV & NY, NY ⤑ CURRENT RESIDENCE San Francisco, CA ⤑ EDUCATION NYU ⤑ OCCUPATION accountant
Dvorak Law Group, LLC (bos)
⤑ RELATIONSHIP STATUS Single ⤑ PETS Lord Andrómedon ⤑ TRANSPORTATION 2010 saab 9-3 turbo

BIOGRAPHY Lyle wasn’t born a beggar. Beggars weren’t allowed to eat dinner that was swindled for less than its price, almost free, at the table. People felt bad and had a heart for a family of five trying to make ends meet on a measly salary. When he was old enough to witness it, the eye of his mother's interests, all fanned down the line of taking shortcuts. It was survival based of course, but she had a hard on for the challenge, the chase of the dollar. Getting it any means necessary even at the cost of three kids' childhood. His father had been a hanger-on, cruise control being his default while his head was in plumes of reefer smoke. He had his own issues that never bode well in a sham of a marriage from the start.

Being the center child brought on more than his share of heartache and at the hands of the people who were supposed to have his and his sisters' best interest at heart. He thought deep down they might believe so, yet the actions said so much else. Jeopardizing their safety in some instances when purposely made to go knocking on a random person's home to sell a story learned about the troubles arising and gaining sympathy from the kids' coached story. There were a lot of coached stories fed and not enough to be told they were loved. Lyle never felt warmth and wholeness in the homes they occupied, including the shelter at one point.

When they were barely keeping up with a steady place to live, it was next sticking in and out of motels, as they moved around Reno and outside of it. The lifestyle was never conducive to setting roots and having a stable life but they all were the caboose on the train going nowhere. When his mother did a couple of months in jail here and there for fraudulent behavior, Senor Amaro tried to pick up the slack. Just as he found coldness and a berating energy from her absence, the depths of the chill was almost unmatched for the all lax father. Lyle learned quickly that he had to be guarded by the lack of buffer and the hammer of his mother's words.

This went on for years, up until a little after his twelve birthday. Wellness check in came in the form and savior of Alba, who happened to be in town for a surprise visit. Her keen observations and all out threats of being the one to seeing the demise of her own daughter, was the floodlight turned down a dreary hall. Rather than be taken by the hands of a state, ultimatums were thrown across the table and in the face of parents that treated their children as meal tickets and pawns to be pushed across a board.

Alba the saint in Lyle's eyes was going to change the course of it all and it showed the day they hopped on a Greyhound with his sisters in tow, ready for what the city of New York brought. His memory of it brought a better inclination for what was to come and what was to come hadn’t prepared him enough when the issues birthed through his adult days. He became a decent person, so he believed only unconsciously trained to weave conflate stories of his childhood to those who asked. He captured the hearts of friends this way, lovers this way, and the big employers this way.

All would not go his way once white lies and tall tales caught up to him in the midst of trying to swindle out of poor judgement calls and the like. The only person who seemed to call him out on this was his oldest sister and Alba, who did not understand this penchant for weaving untruths as a statement of reality. Lyle's reality took a few turns during his adulthood in the form of fighting for his livelihood at the job he lived for, and ultimately stepping away from it before he too would incriminate himself like the ones above him holding the golden carrot out.

A sudden departure from New York came at the cost of his eldest sister's health as what was supposed to be by faith a big fight, turning out to be a prepared journey to death. Boston was formed in his eyes, under the guise of becoming a supportive member of a team that consisted of himself, close friends of his sister's and the children who would be left without a mother when the time came. In the middle of a rollercoaster, he bonded with a woman, latching on and married, not knowing their union would stand the test of time and during the proceeding of his sister's losing fight.

When she passed away, it brought on a steady wave of incoming changes. Lyle couldn’t realize not being the saint to his sister's kids as when Alba stepped in. His sister did what had been best served prior to her passing in terms of legalities, especially with their fathers were unreliable to undertake two teenagers and a child into their care. He stepped up while grief was going to hit them all like loads of bricks. This new responsibility, new life, would test not only himself as a man but as a husband who did not foresee it happening, even for the wife that had little say in the matter. But she stood by as a partial surrogate mother.

This went on for years, trying his best to guide his nephews and niece and with some fail here and there until one by one they exited the house in pursuit of the bigger world. The one that his own mother caused him to be jaded by even to this day. The emptiness felt with their leaving, was also mixed with the growing issues of neglect in a marriage he thought was at its best during high stakes, yet it caused both parties to look for needs outside of their union before actually throwing in the towel. Resentment befell upon him and let down was geared towards his spouse. Declining his advances to work it out, divorce was the next death he wasn’t ready for.

Lyle has since tried to maintain civility and saw himself backsliding into territory paved in amounting debt through gambling, seeking to enhance the lives of others than his own, and doubling down on the misdeeds that a liar's tongue created just to soothe his on personal troubles. In his forty-something years, old ways are hard to shake but easier to reinforce.

⤑ FULL NAME Lyle Michael Amaro ⤑ COMICVERSE Mephisto ⤑ AGE & DOB 43 & April 20, 1976 ⤑ HOMETOWN Reno, NV & NY, NY ⤑ CURRENT RESIDENCE San Francisco, CA ⤑ EDUCATION NYU ⤑ OCCUPATION accountant
Dvorak Law Group, LLC (bos)
⤑ RELATIONSHIP STATUS Single ⤑ PETS Lord Andrómedon ⤑ TRANSPORTATION 2010 saab 9-3 turbo
Mephisto is an extra-dimensional demon whose origin is unknown. He rules a fiery pocket dimension that he calls "Hell" or "Hades" although it is neither the Hell of the Christian religion nor the Hades ruled by Pluto, the Olympian god of the dead. Mephisto calls his extra-dimensional realm "hell" in order to exploit Earth human beings' belief in a single being of absolute evil, who is often referred to as Satan, who rules such a realm. Mephisto resembles the traditional visual conception of the devil. (It is not known whether this is Mephisto's true appearance, or one that he has adopted in order to resemble the devil). He also allows himself to be called names that human beings give to their conceptions of devils, such as Mephisto, a shortened form of Mephistopheles, the name given to the devil in the Faust legends and of a possible fallen angel.

Point of Canon

Marvel 616 Universe


as of February 2019

CV Tie-Ins

helped raised three kids as if his own like mephisto had three children of his own; two boys and one girl.
visits bars during last call to chat up the barkeep and entertain them with tall tales.
Can be highly deceitful by nature.
Worked at a multinational chem corp doing off the book favors for acct. superiors to earn his keep, in reverse mephisto being owed souls for contributing to the success of the mages who oversee Mys-Tech's board.
UNLOCKED INCENTIVES (cv only) class two demon physiology
       demonic features
       superhuman stamina
       regenerative healing factor
       magical manipulation
       Superhuman strength
       Superhuman speed
       superhuman durability
       ensnare astral bodies
       *dimensional entrapment
       *netherworld dimensional powertap
       *reality manipulation
       penance stare immunity
       medium awareness
skilled sorcerer
skilled strategist

locations + items (au/cv)
hotel inferno (1, 2)
       penthouse suite/prison
       casino floor
       hotel rooms/living space
       casino vault
mephisto's castle
       fiery pits
       arena of tainted souls

off-canon + items
Mechanical Aptitude
hounds of the hunter
Security Daemons

LOCKED INCENTIVES locations + items

special limitations

mephisto's legacy
'hell' realm
ghost rider johnny blaze
victor von doom
varying timelines

Lyle is like...
Personality stuff here.

FACTS Facts go here.
Facts go here.
Facts go here.
Facts go here.
Facts go here.
Facts go here.
Facts go here.
Facts go here.
Facts go here.
Facts go here.
Facts go here.
Facts go here.
Facts go here.
Facts go here.
Facts go here.

Leon Beltrán
Abuelo. (86)
Alba Beltrán
Abuela. (84)
Ramona Amaro, née Beltrán
Estranged mother. (64)
Frederico Amaro
Estranged father. (63)
Mimi Amaro
Sister, deceased.
Elín Knox, née Amaro
Sister (38).
Celine Ward, née Zamora
Niece. (32)
Name here
Nephew. (--)
Name here
Niece. (--)