what's one thing you wish you had the guts to do in public but haven't done? Sing a great Dean tune in front of a crowd of 1,000. I get stage freight unless I'm drunk.

what's the worst food you've ever been forced to eat? Public school lunch. I wish abuelita made all of our lunches instead of eating mush day to day.

what's your favorite way to relax? Sticking myself in the work room to put a prop together or playing with the sewing machine.

why do you look so cute in that gif? because i am cute. excuse you.

what made you choose the job you have now? it was a way out of a worse off situation i was facing. work hard. go to school. stay there and make something of yourself even if it happens to be the person who keeps up with the books. this is the boring answer.

How DID you perfect that swagger? PERFECT IT, YOU SAY? Oh by studying the greats before my time. A lot of that 'swagger' is either born with it though. Dig really deep until you begin pulling from what has been passed on. Thank you abuelo for pressuring me to wear a shirt and tie correctly and then destroy tradition by not abiding by those rules all the time.

Is your hair so lush cos it's full of secrets? Wouldn't you like to know? I'm the secrets holding King.

What would you tell someone the meaning of life is? I would bring that person in closely. Sit them down and we'll share a drink. Whatever their poison is. Mine is mezcal by the way. Then I'll go into this whoollleeeeeeee diatribe of what the world believes what life is and then give my version, But my version isn't as cut and dry as I thought it to be. So then this person or someone might get annoyed because I'm going in circles at this point. Much like I'm doing right here trying to answer a simple question that breeds such a difficult and complex answer. One thing is certain is that life continues on once a living thing comes to its span of their life. It is about growing, making experiences, falling in and out of love, making all the mistakes humanly possible with the endgame of learning from them without a single regret. Topping it off with peace of said life. And looking back with a loved one before your time is up.

Do you believe in reincarnation? I think it is some truth to it. Whether it becomes the end journey of our souls, to find their new home onces this shell of flesh meets its last intended stop. I think I was an inventor that got screwed over by a close friend and been carrying around this bitterness since birth.

what's your favorite joke? it's a bad dad joke. here it goes.
What did the bra say to the hat? You go on a head, I gotta give these two a lift.

if you could use a time machine, would you rather have one that only goes back in time or only goes forward in time? Oh no. Let's go to the future!

if you could be a mythical creature, what would you be and why? On one hand, pegasus is my spirit animal. Tying this into having a certain je ne sais quoi. Though with all the turmoil I may have caused in the past, I'd be cursed into a gorgon or worse El Mohán.

what have you done that you're most proud of? Provide a home and support for my sister's children when no one else could do so sometime before and after she departed.

if you could erase one thing from the world's collective memory, what would it be? This last presidential election.

what words or phrases drive you crazy? I apologize if I made you feel that way. Not sure it stands as a genuine apology if it shows lack of responsibility for messing up.

what's something that you find more interesting the more you learn about it? Oh this is a good one. I've gone down a blackhole learning about stem cells.

what's something everyone should do before they die? Travel to at least three out of the seven continents and find a pen pal from any of the countries within those said continents.

so is your side of the family satanist or is celine just working me up again? Santanists? I am offended. I think she's pulling your leg, buddy.

how'd you name that cat? My ex wife named him. I would ask her that but she blocked me from all social media platforms and changed her number.

what's a book everyone should read? Where the sidewalk ends by shel silverstein.

what's a song everyone should hear? Under the boardwalk by the WHispers.

what's a dish everyone should eat? Ajiaco!!!!!

can you give me a heads up when [redacted] 'runs away' to your place after [redacted] me next time? Sorry but I'm no one's snitch.

what's the worst thing you've ever lived through? Leaving Reno as a kid and watching my older sister wither away.

Why is talking so difficult? I think listening is more difficult than talking.

Do you believe the human race will stay delicate? This oversimplifies what it is to be human. I think there's more than them being delicate though ego is one helluva drug.